ACT Show Archives


Thurber Carnival, A

1967-1968 Season —May 1968


Name Role
Bill Aaron Word Dance, Grant - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox, Doctor - Pet Department, Mr. Preble - Mr. Preble Gets Rid Of His Wife
Mary Ann Bloom Word Dance, Mother - The Wolf At The Door, Miss Bagley - File And Forget, Lou - Take Her Up Tenderly
John Borrs Narrator - The Night The Bed Fell, Darrel Darke - Casuals Of The Keys, He - The Macbeth Murder Mystery, James Thurber - File And Forget
Don Carothers Combo: Bass
Asa Dickinson He - The Unicorn In The Garden, General Pendleton - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox, Dr. Benbow - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Cindy Goodfellow She - The Macbeth Murder Mystery, Miss Gaines - File And Forget
E. Ted Green Word Dance
Jean Harshman Word Dance, Assistant - Pet Department
Bob Heller Schultz - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox, Dr. Remington - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Charles Kaufman Policeman - The Unicorn in the Garden, Lee's Staff Man - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox
Tony Kelly Word Dance, Narrator - Memorial To A Dog, John - Take Her Up Tenderly, Walter Mitty - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Ed Kritzer Word Dance, Peter Williams - Casuals Of The Keys, Mr. Cluffman - File And Forget, Lt. Berg - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty, Dr. Renshaw - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Ed McGuire Combo: Guitar and Vibes
Patty Meadows Miss Daley - Mr. Preble Gets Rid Of His Wife
Ann Moore Miss Whittaker - Pet Department
Nancy Raub Word Dance, She - The Unicorn In The Garden, Mrs. Preble - Mr. Preble Gets Rid Of His Wife, Nurse - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
John Reffner Wolf - The Wolf At The Door, Psychiatrist - The Unicorn In The Garden, Mr. Jordan - File And Forget, Man - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Roberta Schwartz Daughter - The Wolf At The Door
Kathy Snively Little Girl - The Little Girl And The Wolf, Miss Wynne - File And Forget
Ken Strayer Word Dance, Father - The Wolf At The Door, Wolf - The Little Girl And The Wolf, General Longstreet - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox, Mr. Pritchard-Mitford - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Nancy Unger Word Dance, Miss Winege - File And Forget, Nelly - Take Her Up Tenderly, Mrs. Mitty - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Al Wendel Narrator - Fables For our Time, Lee - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox, Narrator - The Last Flower, Leader - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Maury White Combo: Drums
Bea Wood Narrator - If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox

Production Team

Name Role
Carol Black Makeup Chairman
Ruth Borrs Wardrobe Chairman
E. Ted Green Stage Manager
Jane Henderson Art Work
Helen Klausman Properties Chairman
Bill Maloy Assistant to Production Manager
Bill Maloy Tickets Chairman
Don Metz Set Designer
Fay Schmitt Production Manager
Barbara Titelman Director
Milanie Unger Assistant Stage Manager