Clue: On Stage AUDITIONS

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Clue: On Stage

Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn

Written by Sandy Rustin

Additional Material by Hunter Foster and Eric Price

Directed by Jerry Cox


Open Auditions: September 10 & 11 from 6 to 9 PM

Performances: November 16, 17, & 18 at 7:30 PM

& November 19 at 2:00 PM


Open auditions for this comedic murder mystery will be held September 10 & 11 from 6:00 – 9:00 PM in the Altoona Community Theatre Rehearsal Hall, 1213 12th Street, Downtown Altoona. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Auditionees need only attend one night unless asked to attend callbacks, expected to be held September 13.

Actors must be available for all performances. Availability for rehearsals will be asked at auditions, please be prepared to list all conflicts from auditions to performance dates. Rehearsals are expected to begin the first week of October.

If you are unable to attend general auditions, please contact the ACT Office at least a week in advance to discuss scheduling an alternative audition time.


About the show:

 It’s a dark and stormy night, and you’ve been invited to a remote mansion where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party where murder and blackmail are on the menu. When their host turns up dead, the dinner guests become murder suspects.  So whodunnit?  Join the iconic oddballs known as Miss Scarlet, Mr. Green, Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Professor Plum, and Mrs. Peacock as they race to find the murderer while the body count stacks up.

Based on the 1985 cult classic film and the popular board game, “Clue: On Stage” is a madcap murder-mystery-comedy-thriller that will keep you guessing until the final twist.

Cast of Characters:

All roles are available. No prior theatrical or ACT experience is required. Roles are open to diverse & gender-inclusive casting.

WADSWORTH– (30+) a traditional British butler in every sense: uptight, formal and “by the book.” He is the driving force in the play.


YVETTE– (18-35) a loyal and sexy French maid.


MISS SCARLET– (30s-40s) a dry, sardonic D.C. madam, more interested in secrets than sex.


MRS. PEACOCK– (40+) the wealthy wife of a senator. A bit batty, neurotic, and quick to hysteria.


MRS. WHITE– (30s-40s) a morbid, and tragic woman. Mrs. White may or may not be the murderer of her five ex-husbands.


COLONEL MUSTARD– (40+) a puffy, pompous, dense, blowhard of a military man.


PROFESSOR PLUM– (35+) an arrogant academic, easily impressed by himself.


GREEN– (25-40) a timid yet officious rule follower. He’s awfully anxious


ENSEMBLE– (18+) three or four actors playing a variety of comedic parts throughout the show


Roles are open to diverse & gender-inclusive casting. Our casting seeks to be as inclusive as possible and we invite gender nonconforming, genderqueer, transgender and nonbinary actors to select the roles they most identify with.

Age ranges are suggestions, please audition for any role you would like.


Questions can be directed to the ACT Office.

Phone: 814-943-4357



Clue: On Stage
Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn

Written by Sandy Rustin

Additional Material by Hunter Foster and Eric Price

Based on the Paramount Pictures Motion Picture

Based on the Hasbro board game

CLUE Original Music by Michael Holland

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