In anticipation on directing Much Ado about Nothing for ACT in February, Tom Liszka will be offering a series of workshops on three Saturdays in July 13th, 20th, & 27th from 10-12 and on August 3 from 11-1 at the ACT building. Topics will include the basics of Shakespeare’s poetry (iambic pentameter, etc.), Making Shakespeare’s language clear, the circumstances of Shakespeare’s production at the Globe (requiring close interaction with the audience), and related topics. They are open to all who are interested, but they are especially geared towards potential auditionees who’d like an introduction to the basics. Participation, of course, is not a requirement for auditioning. Please email Tom ( if you have any questions.


Please register for each session you’ll be attending here.*

Attend as many classes as you’re available for, as a different topic will be covered each day!
Recommended $5 donation per class can be made at the door.
Please do not skip attending due not being able to donate.

Much Ado About Nothing Auditions will take place October 13 & 14

Workshops held at the ACT Rehearsal Hall, 1213 12th St, Downtown Altoona


*Helpful registration hint: Add 1 ticket for each date that you will be attending. If  a friend is joining you, change the quantity to two tickets (or more based on number attending). You can sign up multiple times if it’s easier to register as you know which classes you can make it to.

Please call the ACT Office at 814-943-4357 for assistance with registering.


About the Facilitator:

Dr. Thomas Liszka is Professor Emeritus of English at Penn State Altoona. He holds a PhD and an MA in English from Northern Illinois University, specializing in medieval literature. He has appeared in over forty theatre productions and directed numerous others, including ACT’s “A Midsummer NIght’s Dream” and  “Dr. Faustus”.