Events for November 24, 2024 - September 24, 2024

Elf: The Musical

The Historic Mishler Theatre 1208 12th Ave, Altoona, PA, United States

Thurs, 11/21 - 7:30 p.m. Fri, 11/22 - 7:30 p.m. Sat, 11/23 - 7:30 p.m. Sun, 11/24 - 2:00 p.m. Based on the hilarious Will Ferrell holiday movie, Buddy, an orphaned baby, mistakenly crawls into [...]

Gypsy Auditions

The Historic Mishler Theatre 1208 12th Ave, Altoona, PA, United States

Auditions for Gypsy directed by Bryce Cossitor will be January 12th and 13th from 6-9 pm at the Mishler Theatre. Children (14 and under) will be seen from 6-7 pm. Adults will be seen from [...]

Set Design Workshop

The Historic Mishler Theatre 1208 12th Ave, Altoona, PA, United States

​A partnership with Blair County Arts Foundation and Altoona Community Theatre. Learn set design concepts from Al Pelliccioni and how to turn those ideas into reality. Coffee and donuts provided. $15 registration fee. 18 years [...]


A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Historic Mishler Theatre 1208 12th Ave, Altoona, PA, United States

Thurs, 2/13 - 7:30 p.m. Fri, 2/14 - 7:30 p.m. Sat, 2/15 - 7:30 p.m. Sun, 2/16 - 2:00 p.m. One of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies. On the eve of a royal wedding, a quartet [...]

Play in a Day Workshop for Kids

ACT Rehearsal Hall 1213 12th St, Altoona, PA, United States

Altoona Community Theatre will present a “Play in a Day” workshop on Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the rehearsal hall of the Altoona Community Theatre Building. Lead by Cindy Stanbro, the [...]


Summer Drama Camps – links to at-home activities

ACT Rehearsal Hall 1213 12th St, Altoona, PA, United States

Unfortunately, ACT’s 2020 Summer Drama Camps have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will miss seeing your kids’ smiling faces and doing activities together – but we’ve been compiling a list of great [...]

Virtual Isaac Awards

The Isaacs are going virtual for 2020! The Virtual Isaacs will be streamed via YouTube on Sunday, June 14 at 7:00 p.m. Here is the YouTube link. If it was a normal year, the Mishler [...]

Gypsy – cancelled

The Historic Mishler Theatre 1208 12th Ave, Altoona, PA, United States

“Gypsy” tells the story of the dreams and determination of Mama Rose, the quintessential Stage Mother, a hungry powerhouse of a woman who will stop at nothing to see her daughters become famous, leading one [...]

The Final Act of Dr. Faustus (Virtual Performance)

Virtual PA, United States

Buy Tickets Now November 6 & 7, 2020 – 7 p.m. November 8 – 2 p.m. Tom Liszka is the director of “The Final Act of Dr. Faustus” which is based on Christopher Marlowe’s classic, [...]

General Membership Meeting

Virtual PA, United States

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