Our membership base consists of people from all walks of life. People from all across central Pennsylvania come together at ACT to enjoy each others company and celebrate the art of theatre. We encourage you to come check out one of our membership meetings or dive in head first and sign up for a membership!

Benefits include exclusive Membership events, discounts to ACT workshops and bus trips,  recognition in ACT playbills, receipt of our e-newsletter, access to our private bACTstagers Facebook Group, voting rights for plays, involvement in ACT Committees, and, coming soon, access to a Members-Only section of our website.

Feel free to contact us with questions or become a member by phone by calling the ACT Administrative Office at (814) 943-4357.

Our Memberships Year runs along with our Theatre Season, from July 1 to June 30 the following year.

Memberships created or renewed from April to June will be applied to the upcoming Membership year.

If you’re a current ACT Member and need to renew or check the status of your Membership, change from an individual to a household Membership, or set your Membership to automatically renew every year, consider making an account with the New Membership Portal here
You can also call the ACT Office at 814-943-4357 to check on or modify your Membership.

Upcoming Membership Events:

Mystery at the Ozdust Ball

March 27 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Mystery at the Ozdust Ball

March 28 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm